Catalog All books
Francis Waldvogel
A Life Study Exchanges, emergence, complexity
Is human perception of the vibrant, living world around us the definitive window on objective reality that we imagine it to be?
Serge Haroche
The Science of Light From Galileo’s Telescope to Quantum Physics
Light has fascinated mankind since the dawn of time...
Isabelle Peretz
How Music Sculpts Our Brain
How does the process of learning music impact our brain? To what extent does it foster curiosity, attention and enhance memory?
Pierre-André de Chalendar
The Urban Challenge Reviving the desire to live in a city
Once the seductive symbol of sophistication and unlimited possibility, the city has become synonymous in our imagination with sprawl...
James E. Darnell
Up from Mississippi A memoir
How did a young native of the American South, raised in an era of racism and segregation, rise to a highly decorated position at the forefront of molecular biology research?
Philippe Cury, Daniel Pauly
Obstinate Nature
“A system is viable only if it combines speed and slowness,” write Philippe Cury and Daniel Pauly. “Nature’s cycles tell us that viability requires a combination of these dynamics—fast and slow, innovation and inertia.”...
Denis Le Bihan
Einstein's Error At the Frontiers of the Brain and the Cosmos
At the crossroads of physics and neuroscience: a new approach to brain function based on Einstein's work on relativity and the cosmological constant.
Gérard Berry
The Hyperpower of Informatics
Gérard Berry shows how information and data have come to occupy a central role not only in our technologies and sciences, but also in our daily lives...